General information about CrossFit

The ideologist of this sports direction is Greg Glassman. With CrossFit, you not only train one-dimensionally and isolated individual muscle groups but also challenge and promote your whole body. It trains complex movements and is therefore multi-jointed. Also, the means of achieving these qualities are very diverse. Classes usually include fast-changing circular workouts of various directions.
The goal is to teach the trainee functional movements (movements from our everyday life), to consolidate them, and to make them more efficient in all areas and disciplines.

One of its top benefits is the ability to enhance body power. Most movements are compound, that’s why they require the use of the whole muscular system in the body. Compound exercises are actually more effective at improving your strength and overall fitness than single-joint exercises like biceps and leg curls.

Fundamentals and rules of CrossFit

Morning classes usually involve strength training, in the evening various functional loads are practiced – running, swimming, cycling. The CrossFit system is available in many variations, but the classic technique is practiced only in a network of certified gyms.

Classes consist of a general warm-up, a developmental block, and 10-15 minutes of high-intensity workouts. CrossFit chain gyms typically develop a “workout of the day” that targets a particular fitness branch or particular muscle. To boost the motivation of the participants, elements of the competition are used, such as scoring and reaching different levels.

The main rules of the training system are:

  • The maximum level of intensity;
  • The more often you go training, the better;
  • No relax;
  • Changing the direction of loads at each lesson.

How many days a week can I do CrossFit?

The truth is that it will always depend on your goals and physical condition. So ask your coach first. But usually, it is recommended to do it three days a week with one light stretching in between. In just these three days of training, in just two weeks, you will begin to feel the full effects of exercise on your body and mind. Although it is true that in the early days you will already notice its effects.

You will see how your body is in good shape and sculpt a little. This will increase your flexibility as well as your endurance and agility. Also, it can help to reduce your stress levels in a significant way and boost your confidence by seeing what you are capable of.

What exercises are the most common?

Currently, many fitness techniques are used to train athletes, security staff, as well as to train people after injuries. A competent CrossFit workout in the gym is much more effective for the development of muscle mass, but you can do it at home.
It’s true that there are several easy and time-saving exercises, albeit with good intensity. But to be more specific, some of the most common are squats, burpees, rowing, weight lifting, laden, etc. But putting them all together well, we get the most complete mix for the figure. You must understand these exercises should be varied.

Is there a risk of harm?

Many athletes follow this all-or-nothing mindset, fueled by high-intensity workout music and energized by the enthusiasm of coaches. In cycling classes, attendees often strap their shoes onto the pedals, which can discourage them from pausing for necessary breaks. In such a tense atmosphere, beginners can get carried away and overdo it.

In terms of injury risk from CrossFit, the principles that we apply to running, for example, are applied to CrossFit when we consider injury risk reduction. If you’ve never run more than 5 km and decide to run a marathon in a week, it’s more than likely that you’re hurting yourself with this huge jump in load on your body.